Purpose and Applicability

  • Assists Departments in maintaining compliance to federal and state regulations, campus policies and other requirements to which Missouri S&T chooses to comply.
  • Covers all Missouri S&T activities defined within the scope of its Environmental Management System (EMS)


  • Compliance Inspection – An assessment of activities conducted involving federal or state regulations, campus policies or other requirements within a Department or laboratory.
  • Compliance Inspectors – Personnel who perform compliance inspections.  Compliance inspectors may be any of the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) staff.
  • Non-compliance – Non-fulfillment of a legal requirement.  This would result in a corrective action.
  • Non-conformance – Non-fulfillment of a non-legal requirement.  This would result in a corrective action.
  • Action request – A report which is generated from the Environmental Management System requesting correction of a non-conformance/non-compliance.

 Procedure Steps & Responsibility

Action to be performed


  1. Look at the Compliance Inspection Schedule to determine when a department is due for inspection.

Campus Departments / Compliance Inspector

  1. Review information from previous compliance inspections for Department to be inspected.

Compliance Inspector

  1. Conduct the inspection using the appropriate checklists found in the Compliance Inspection Program. The Compliance Inspection Program verifies compliance / conformance to the information found in the Environmental Health and Safety Manual

    (Note:  Departments will provide an escort if necessary during compliance inspections)

Compliance Inspector

  1. Communicate the inspection results with a Department representative and EMS Coordinator.

    1. If a non-compliance/non-conformance is identified during an inspection, a Department representative may immediately correct the non-compliance/non-conformance.  The compliance inspection report will state no further action is required for items that are corrected immediately in the presence of the inspector.

    2. If the non-compliance/non-conformance cannot be corrected immediately, a corrective action will be listed on the inspection report.  A Department has 10 working days to correct a non-compliance/non-conformance after which there will be a re-inspection.  If items are found not corrected or other non-compliances/non-conformances are identified, the Action Procedure will be followed.  

    3. If no non-compliances/non-conformances are identified the report is closed.

Campus Departments / Compliance Inspector


Objective Evidence

Record / Form Responsibility Location Retention
Inspection Reports EHS Personnel EHS Dept. 3 years